logVidedo App Terms of Use

Article 1 (Definition)

  1. Registrant information, registered account information
    Information, name, email address registered in our management server when you log in to this application
  2. Registered User, Registrant
    A person who is registered on our management server by logging into this application
  3. This service
    Services provided by the Company in the App

Article 2 (Purpose and scope of application of these Terms)

  1. This Terms of Use stipulates the rights and obligations between the Company and registered users regarding the conditions of service provision by this application and the use of services. In addition, it shall apply to all relationships related to the use of this service that occur between the Company and registered users.
  2. If there is any discrepancy between these Terms of Use and other descriptions of the services of this App outside of these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall take precedence.

Article 3 (Changes to these Terms of Use)

  1. The Company reserves the right to change the Terms of Use when the Company determines that it is appropriate and rational for the management and operation of this App and that it is necessary.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms of Use shall take effect from the time the updated version is posted on the App website.
  3. If the Registered User continues to use the App after the change to the Terms of Use in the preceding paragraph has taken effect, or if it is confirmed that the Registered User has not taken procedures to cancel their registration for more than two weeks, the Registered User shall: You agree to the changes to these Terms of Use and agree to the updated Terms of Use.

Article 4 (Handling of Registrant Information)

  1. The Company will appropriately manage registrant information and other personal and privacy information of registrants in accordance with the separately stipulated privacy policy. Registered users of this application agree to the management of such information by the Company based on its privacy policy.
  2. At our discretion, we may treat registrant information and other user information and data provided directly or indirectly to us by registrants as statistical information in a format that cannot identify individuals. , may be used and disclosed, and the registrant agrees to that matter.

Article 5 (Regarding Deletion of Registered User Account)

  1. Registered users can delete their account at any time by the method prescribed by our company.
  2. By deleting the registered account, the registered user will lose all rights as a registered user to this application (right to upload videos, right to view the registrant's own personal page, etc.).
  3. Article 4 (Handling of Registrant Information) shall be followed regarding the handling of Registrant Information, etc. after the registration account is deleted.

Article 6 (Deletion of Registered User Accounts by the Company)

  1. The Company may delete the registered user account without prior notice in the following cases.
    (1)If it is found that any item stipulated in these Terms of Use or other terms has been violated;
    (2)If there is no use of the Service by the applicable User for a period exceeding six months.
    (3)In addition, if the Company determines that it is inappropriate to use the App, use it as a registered user, or continue to use the Service.
    (4)If any of the above 1-3 applies and the Company deletes the registered account or cancels the service agreement, the Registered User will be unable to use the Service.
    (5)The Company shall not be responsible for any damages incurred by the Registered User as a result of the Company's actions up to 1-4 above.

Article 7 (Confidentiality of Communications)

  1. We will endeavor to protect the confidentiality of registered users' communications based on the provisions of the Telecommunications Business Law (Law No. 86 of 1984).
  2. Regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company may provide information regarding the confidentiality of registered users' communications to third parties within the scope specified in each of the following items, and each registered user agrees in advance to this matter. shall be
    (1)A compulsory disposition or a court order is issued based on the contents of the Criminal Procedure Code (Law No. 131 of 1948) or the Law Concerning Interception of Communications for Criminal Investigation (Law No. 137 of 1999). If so, the content of the disposition or the scope of the order
    (2)In the event that a compulsory disposition or order is issued by laws and regulations other than the laws and regulations of the preceding item, the content scope thereof
    (3)According to Article 4 of the Act on Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and Disclosure of Sender Information (Act No. 137 of 2001), a request for information disclosure is made, and the request for disclosure does not meet the legal requirements. Disclosure claims if we determine that they are fully satisfied
    (4)If the Company determines that the appropriateness and necessity to protect the life, body, property rights, and moral rights of others satisfies the information disclosure requirements, we will protect the life, body, property rights, and moral rights of others. to the extent necessary to protect
  3. Transmission subject to secrecy of communication for the purpose of preventing acts that violate prohibited items stipulated by law or transmission of data containing inappropriate expressions (including the requirements of the Child Pornography Prohibition Act). Even if it is content, we may check or regulate the act of sending data under certain conditions.

Article 8 (Registration)

  1. In order to use this application, it is necessary to register in advance as specified by our company. At that time, if you read this agreement and do not agree to even part of its contents, you cannot use this application. In this case, the customer must immediately delete this application from his iOS device at his/her own responsibility and expense.
  2. If the Company finds that a registered user falls under any of the items listed below, the Company may not approve the use and delete the account. (1) When the user illegally logs in and uses the app by a method other than the method prescribed by our company.
    (2) When the user is under the age of 13 and is not a person who has been separately approved for use by the Company.
    (3) When it is determined that the user is a minor and has not obtained the consent of a legal representative.
    (4) The user belongs to anti-social forces, etc. (organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, right-wing groups, and other similar groups and groups), or is found to have a cooperative relationship with such forces, or When it is judged that there is a risk.

Article 9 (User Responsibility for Posted Data)

  1. Registered users shall represent and warrant to the Company the following matters regarding Posted Data. a. The contributor himself/herself has legal rights regarding the posting itself and other transmissions.
    b. Posted data does not infringe the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights, reputation, other moral rights such as trust, personal information, and privacy rights, and property rights).
  2. The Company shall not be held responsible for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that arise between you and a third party in relation to this App.
  3. The customer shall be responsible for all management and backup of the original data or processed data processed using this application, and the Company shall not be responsible for any loss of data caused by malfunction of this application, equipment failure, etc. shall be

Article 10 (Prohibitions)

  1. Obscene expressions (not limited to expressions using videos, photographs, etc., but also including cases where expressions are made using drawings, paintings, sentences, sounds, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter) and acts that encourage them
  2. Use of this service for the purpose of meeting or dating someone you do not know (whether of the opposite sex or the same sex)
  3. Spamming (examples include, but are not limited to, the following, including actions that the Company deems to be spamming)
    Sending spam messages: Sending messages indiscriminately and in large quantities based on the information of registered users obtained by using this service, regardless of the intention or judgment of the recipient.
    Spam Posting: Posting identical or similar material in bulk to the Service.
  4. Acts of impersonation (using the name of another person, or using a false name, or misrepresenting age, gender, or affiliation. Also, misrepresenting the right to represent or hold a major interest in, or a position in, any organization. In addition, whether real or fictitious, Falsely claiming to have an affiliation or cooperative relationship with a specific individual or organization)
  5. Stalking (acting as a nuisance such as following other users based on information obtained through this service)
  6. Use of the Services by anyone under the age of 13. However, this does not apply if the Company approves otherwise.
  7. Acts of using this application by deviating from or circumventing the usage restrictions of this service such as age
  8. Acts of soliciting or encouraging minors to run away from home or commit crimes, etc.
  9. Other acts that intend to induce or encourage any of the preceding items or more while recognizing that they apply.
  10. Discrimination, prejudice, racism, hatred or harassment against individuals or groups.
  11. Use, threaten, or encourage violence against people or animals.
  12. Expressions that include excessively violent and cruel scenes.
  13. Engaging in or soliciting illegal gambling or gambling.
  14. Engaging in, or promoting or soliciting, drug abuse behavior.
  15. Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 11 (Intellectual property rights, etc.)

  1. About attribution of Intellectual Property Rights in Data Posted by Users
    Intellectual property rights relating to Posted Data belong to the Registered User who created the Posted Data, excluding those that should belong to a third party.
    Intellectual property rights and all other rights related to posted content belong to the user or the original right holder. However, you must allow us to grant you certain rights as described below.
  2. granting us licenses for applicable content;
    When you provide content to this service, you will use the posted content free of charge and non-exclusively for the business of this service and our company (and its successors and affiliates). (including reproduction, duplication, modification, creation of derivative works, display and performance, sublicensing to third parties, and any other exploitation). will do. This scope also includes use for the purpose of advertising and redistribution of part or all of this service.
  3. Regarding the expiration date of the above license
    The license for the applicable content granted by the user of this service shall survive for a period deemed commercially reasonable even after the user has deleted the applicable content. You understand and agree that there may be duplicates of deleted videos on our servers. In this case, the video under our possession will not be displayed, distributed or performed.
  4. Rights related to monetization using provided content
    The user grants us the right to use the provided content for monetization. (Monetization in this case includes displaying advertisements on or within content, charging users a fee for accessing such content). This Agreement does not grant you any right or entitlement to receive compensation from us.
  5. Deletion of User-Provided Content
    Users can remove their own videos from the Service at any time. If you lose any of your rights under these Terms, you must remove your content.
  6. When the Company deletes user-provided content
    We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove such Content from the Service if we reasonably believe that any of the cases described below apply.
    a.If the content is found to violate the terms of this Agreement.
    b.When it is judged that the display of such content causes or may cause damage to the user or a third party.
    c.Regardless of the above cases, if the Company determines that it is inappropriate.
    In any case, we will not be responsible for any loss of profit or damage caused by such deletion.

Article 12 (Disclaimer)

  1. Except as expressly stated in these Terms or as required by law, the Services are provided "as is". We do not guarantee or promise the specific content of this service to users. In addition, we shall not pursue any liability for compensation. For example:
    a.Functions, commercial value, accuracy and usefulness expected by users of this service
    b.This service meets the user's specific purpose of use
    c.Display of content provided through the Service itself
    d.You can access the content you provide or send through this service;
    e.Deletion, erasure, or loss of posted data
    f.Defects, failures, or damage to devices resulting from the use of this service
  2. Our company shall not be held responsible for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that arise between you and a third party in relation to this App.
  3. In the event that this Service Use Agreement falls within the scope of the Consumer Contract Act and is subject to the applicable laws and regulations, the provisions within these Terms of Use that fully exempt our company from liability shall become invalid.

Article 13 (Interruption, change, suspension of provision of this application)

  1. Our company may temporarily suspend the provision of the App without prior notice to the customer if any or more of the following items apply.
    (1) When performing periodic or urgent maintenance of the functionality of the App.
    (2) When it becomes impossible to provide this application due to natural disasters, fires, electrical disturbances, radio disturbances, epidemics of infectious diseases, riots, etc.
    (3) When the communication service used when using this application is stopped or a failure occurs.
    (4) When a communication failure occurs due to circumstances such as the usage environment of the terminal device used.
    (5) In addition, when our company determines that it is necessary to temporarily suspend the provision of the App due to system operation or technical aspects.
  2. Our company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the customer or a third party due to the suspension or discontinuation of the provision of this application.

Article 14 (Changes in service content, etc.)

We reserve the right to add, change, or reduce all or part of the App without your consent or prior notice.

Article 15 (Communication equipment, etc.)

  1. The customer shall prepare, at his/her own expense, all communication equipment and other necessary equipment necessary for the use of this service.
  2. The customer shall make a contract with a communication service company necessary for using this service and connect to this service at their own expense.

Article 16 (Transfer of contractual status in this application, etc.)

  1. Registered users may not assign or transfer their status, rights, or obligations under this Agreement to use the Service, except with the prior written consent of our company. In addition, similar disposition such as collateral setting shall not be allowed.
  2. If our company transfers all or part of the business related to this App to a third party, the status of these Terms of Use, our rights and obligations based on these Terms of Use, and registration Account information and other information may be transferred to the transferee of the applicable business transfer. Registered users agree in advance to such transfer.

Article 17 (Severability)

  1. Even if part of the provisions of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the other provisions of these Terms of Use shall not apply. retains full validity.
  2. Even if it is determined that part of the content stipulated in this Terms of Use is invalid or unworkable with a specific registered user of this application, or that relationship has been canceled, This will not affect the relationship between this app and other users, and these Terms of Use and other terms of use will remain in full force and effect in that relationship.

Article 18 (Non-Waiver of Rights)

Even if our company does not respond immediately or promptly or take any action in the event that the user fails to comply with these Terms of Use, the Company reserves the right (for example, now or in the future) , the right to take legal action) or any other right.

Article 19 (Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction)

Regarding the use of the services provided through this application, in the event that it becomes necessary to resolve a dispute between the customer and our company through litigation, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.